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Going Big with our Essential Partner Program

Jon Peppler
Feb 2, 2022

Today we at Salt Security announced the global expansion of our Salt Security Essential Partner Program. Channel partners have been core to our approach from the start, and just as salt is essential to human life, partners are essential to our growth and success. By unveiling this program globally, we can extend the number of partners able to take advantage of teaming up with Salt, the company that created the API security market five years ago and has led it ever since.

I am honored to help roll out this expansion, and I want to give credit to all the great decisions that preceded me. During this last year, Salt doubled down on a channel-first strategy, having 100% of new business fulfilled through channel partners. The Salt team also used this past year to make significant investment in channel rewards, channel marketing, and larger channel margins. I am here because of all the work by Salt and our partners over the past year, especially the work of Sunil Dutt, our channel lead in EMEA. Now we get to take it to the next level.

I have a few decades of experience building out channel programs, especially for security companies. Along the way I learned from other companies’ partner programs. The best ones are built on the essential elements of trust, alignment, and growth. We’re bringing all those assets to the program here at Salt Security.

  • Trust is the foundation, and it makes the other elements possible to provide. Trust in any relationship stems from integrity. Every partner program I’ve launched is based on “partnering with integrity.” It means we do what we say we will do; we are true to our word. Our team here builds trust constantly, in every interaction. We include best practices for integrity and trust in our rules of engagement, in our processes such as deal registration, and in all our actions.
  • Alignment is the mechanics of how we work together. Alignment of goals for the customer. Alignment of goals for our joint business. Alignment of marketing activities. Alignment of skills enablement, in both selling and technical. Alignment in our collective definition of success.
  • Growth is the reward from work done in trust and alignment. It includes examining and planning how best to solve customer challenges, grow our partners’ businesses, and in turn, grow Salt. We measure how much our partners and we have learned, and we strive to continuously improve.

You can see how the Essential naming of our program reflects our priorities. We are fortunate to have attracted the best to join us in this journey. They’ve seen the power that only Salt provides in protecting their clients from the growing threat of API attacks. To our existing partners, thank you for joining us — we could not do this without you.

I am looking forward to a fantastic year, an amazing ride, lots of learning from and with partners, and, in turn, much that we will share back. We’re building on a great record of combined success already, and as we grow the ranks of our joint customers, I look forward to savoring our trip together. Here we go!

To learn more about how Salt can help defend your organization from API risks, you can connect with a rep or schedule a personalized demo.


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