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Taking Home the Gold! And the Silver, and another Silver …

Michelle McLeanMichelle McLean
Mar 1, 2021

It’s fun to win — it’s even more fun to win three times! We here at Salt are excited to share that our company and industry-first API security platform have earned us three major kudos:

  • Best Cybersecurity Product — Gold award
  • Most Innovative Cybersecurity Company — Silver award
  • Best Cybersecurity Company — Silver award

Salt has pioneered the API security market. Our platform, built on our patented C-3A TM Context-based API Analysis Architecture, is the only API security solution that combines complete coverage and a big data engine to discover all APIs and exposed sensitive data, stop APIs attackers in their tracks, and provide insights to improve API security posture.

The 2021 Cybersecurity Excellence Awards honor companies, individuals, and products that innovate in information security. We’re especially proud to be the only API security company awarded a Cybersecurity Excellence award. This award recognizes our success in enabling companies to accelerate business innovation by making APIs attack proof. Unlike other industry awards, the Cybersecurity Excellence awards depend on validation from across the information security community — customers, prospects, and analysts all contribute their perspective on which companies and platform should earn these accolades.

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With this award, our list of “firsts” continues to grow:

We really appreciate the industry’s recognition of our leadership role with these Cybersecurity Awards — a great win to celebrate! In the market for API security yourself? Request a personalized demo. In the market to build incredible tech? Check out our job board and join our winning team!


Salt Security Blog

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July 26, 2024

Hadar Freehling
Principal Solution Engineer

Salt Labs

Another API Security Breach: Life360

The latest API breach occurred on the Life360 platform where an advisory was able to gleam 400k user phone numbers.

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July 24, 2024

Eric Schwake
Head of Product Marketing


How Salt Catches Low and Slow Attacks While Others Can’t

Most API security solutions are designed to stop simulated attacks in a lab environment. They fail miserably in real world, low and slow attacks which are how attacks happen in practice

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July 23, 2024

Eric Schwake
Head of Product Marketing


Detecting API Threats In Real Time

Recognizing the value of the sensitive data APIs carry, attackers have adapted their tactics, necessitating a fundamental shift in the approach to API security.

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