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The Award Case is Filling Up

Chris Westphal
Jun 16, 2021

Today we’re thrilled to announce that Salt has added yet another award to the case. This one is a GOLD for the 2021 Globee Disruptor of the Year award.

According to the folks at Globee, “disruptor companies are privately owned businesses all over the world that have the potential and competence to displace existing solutions, companies, and even entire industries. They are ready to take on an enormous challenge and find solutions for the biggest pain points customers experience.”

We think that’s a great way to describe Salt and our approach to API security. We started in 2016 to take on the enormous challenge of API security. We shook up the market, the incumbents, and traditional approaches to application security with a dedicated API security platform. We continue to innovate to protect our customers and focus on protecting against what Gartner says is becoming “the most-frequent attack vector, resulting in data breaches for enterprise web applications.” 

Today, Salt is the only API security solution that combines big data with patented AI and ML for complete coverage across environments. With our platform, we discover all APIs and exposed sensitive data, stop API attackers in their tracks, and provide insights to improve API security posture. 

Get the comprehensive list of best practices to guide your API security journey.

As a pioneer in the API security market, we continue to lead the pack with the longest time in market giving us the most mature product. As a result, our customers benefit from a platform that is easy to deploy with no agents and no code changes, the most ecosystem integrations, and support for the broadest set of use cases across internal, external, and third-party APIs.

We recently closed a preemptive C round bringing our total funding to $131 million, the most funding of any company in API security. With this support, we continue to invest in our platform, innovate, and secure the APIs of customers across all industries such as financial services, healthcare, and retail.

The Globee award keeps us in the lead with the most awards among vendors in our space and is yet another validation point for our approach to API security and leadership in the market. If you’re looking for an industry-leading solution to protect your APIs, request a personalized demo today to see how Salt can make your APIs attack-proof.


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July 26, 2024

Hadar Freehling
Principal Solution Engineer

Salt Labs

Another API Security Breach: Life360

The latest API breach occurred on the Life360 platform where an advisory was able to gleam 400k user phone numbers.

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July 24, 2024

Eric Schwake
Head of Product Marketing


How Salt Catches Low and Slow Attacks While Others Can’t

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July 23, 2024

Eric Schwake
Head of Product Marketing


Detecting API Threats In Real Time

Recognizing the value of the sensitive data APIs carry, attackers have adapted their tactics, necessitating a fundamental shift in the approach to API security.

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