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Salt Security API Security Blog

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December 7, 2022

Michelle McLean
VP Marketing


New Win — Securing a Managed Service Provider in The Netherlands!

Salt Security empowers Open Line to block API security threats and accelerate their customers’ digital innovation with an API security-as-a-services offering.

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December 2, 2022

Jennifer Dignum
Director of Communications

2023: Why API Security, Why Now?

Dr. Anton Chuvakin, security advisor at Office of the CISO, Google Cloud, joined our recent API Security Summit. Dr. Chuvakin’s session – co-hosted by Salt Security's Michelle McLean – provided an in-depth discussion on why API security has become a “now” problem.

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November 29, 2022

Roey Eliyahu
CEO & Co-founder

Why CISOs Are Making API Security A Top Priority

The monetary growth opportunities promised by APIs are immense, but to harness them, CISOs must ensure the protection of their APIs.

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November 22, 2022

Hadar Freehling
Principal Solution Engineer

What is PCI DSS 4.0 and why is API security such a critical component?

With the industry moving to microservices and API-driven applications, new security threats and attack vectors have emerged. The PCI Security Standards Council has worked to address these threats in its newest PCI DSS 4.0 standard.

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November 14, 2022

Mandy Kelley
Director, Global Channel Marketing


We’re proud to join the ranks of the CRN Tech Innovators!

The Salt Security API Protection Platform has won the “Data Security” category in this year’s 2022 CRN Tech Innovator Awards.

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November 9, 2022

Gilad Barzilay
Head of Business Development


Salt Joins the Azure Marketplace and is Co-sell Ready!

Our award-winning Salt Security API Protection Platform has been added to the Azure Marketplace and we have achieved Azure IP Co-sell Ready status.

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