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Salt Security API Security Blog

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November 4, 2022

Stephanie Best
Director, Product Marketing

Leveraging Google Cloud Packet Traffic Mirroring with Salt to Detect API Security Threats

It’s not enough to find and block attackers exploiting a vulnerability in your API. You will also want to remediate the security gap in your APIs.

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Salt Labs

OpenSSL Vulnerability Analysis — Denial of Service and Remote Code Execution

Insights regarding two new vulns that have been uncovered in the OpenSSL library — CVE-2022-3602 and CVE-2022-3786. These vulnerabilities affect OpenSSL.

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October 31, 2022

Stephanie Best
Director, Product Marketing

What are API Attacks, Why They’re Different, and How to Stop Them

Why are we seeing such a constant stream of API-based attacks? Quite simply, APIs are lucrative for attackers.

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Are You Haunted by Zombie, Shadow and Ghost APIs?

Zombies, Shadows, and Ghosts hide in plain sight as APIs in your infrastructure, quietly extending your attack surface, patiently waiting to be called upon by some black hat.

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October 27, 2022

Stephanie Best
Director, Product Marketing

API Gateway Security: What is it and is it Enough?

Learn what an API Gateway is and get a better understanding of how the various API tools can layer together to detect and prevent the most frequent API attacks.

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October 26, 2022

Michelle McLean
VP Marketing


New Execs, New Summit, New Customers, AND a New Look!

We've been incredibly busy welcoming two new execs, launching our second API Security Summit, welcoming new customers, and rolling out our updated branding.

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